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The brasserie is open from Monday to Friday
Lunch: noon - 2pm
Evenings: 7.30pm - 9pm

Closed on Friday evenings and weekends


In the heart of Berry, a region to discover ...

Located south of the Loire Valley, in the heart of the historic province of Berry, formed by the Indre and Cher, Châteauroux, a true "country town" is bordered by the river of the same name. A life-size urban destination, in turn a medieval city, an industrial city and an American base, the witnesses of its past are discovered by visiting its rich heritage, its museums, its churches, its castles ...

At the edge of the city and our hotel, the vast forest (one of the largest oak forests in France), the Natural Park of Brenne, the Creuse Valley and the Champagne Berrichonne offer many opportunities activities and discoveries. Between nature, sport and heritage, there is something for everyone ...

Nature lovers appreciate the variety of activities and outdoor sports available: hiking, mountain biking, fishing, golf, canoeing, rowing, windsurfing (Lac d'Éguzon) ... and you can go on a family trip to the Indre valley, the animal reserve of Haute-Touche or the site of Bellebouche ...

Heritage enthusiasts can visit our beautiful villages: Gargilesse, Saint-Benoît-du-Sault, La Chatre and the George Sand Museum, Valentines ... and our majestic castles: Valençay (Talleyrand's home), Bouges (replica of the Petit Trianon), Argy, Azay-le-Ferron ...

image Valençay Castle
Discover Châteauroux

Valençay Castle

50km from the hotel

image Nature at the gateway to the city
Discover Châteauroux

Nature at the gateway to the city

A few minutes from Châteauroux, the Brenne Natural Park

image The state forest of Chateauroux
Discover Châteauroux

The state forest of Chateauroux

One of the largest oak forests in France The forest is located 10km from the hotel.

SUIVEZ LE GUIDE : Châteauroux, l'âme du Berry